Loading software

On this platform, software are contain in their own environement. We provide numerus software environement for quick, easy and reproducible result. Those environement are mainly based on Conda and Singularity.

How to use software ?

To activate any environement, we recommand using the already installed Environement Modules.

Gif load

Base Synthax

Usually, environement are named after software that they implement. From example an environement for the software mmseqs2 will be named mmseqs2.

List the available software

module avail

or for all version of a specific sotware :

module avail wanted_software

Load a software

module load mmseqs2/14.7e284

Unload a software

module unload mmseqs2/14.7e284

Software stacking

Environement can be stacked if you need several software at once.

module load software1
module load software2

Software stacking should be used wisely, incompatibilities could appear. It's recommanded to load the software just before using it.

Unload all loaded software

module purge

Other ressource

If you're like me and want to see the environment file, you can find it on the IFB's gitlab.