Help request
By email
Support requests should be sent to the following address:
- If you don't have a forum account yet, a temporary user will be created and your email will be posted in a new topic in the right category.
- If you already have an account, be sure to use the e-mail address attached to your account for exchanges.
Using our Discource forum
Link to the forum
To use Discourse smoothly, we recommend creating an user account via the Sign Up
How to use it ?
Check if it has already been solved :
Go to the Ipop-up category to check if the solution doesn't already exist.
If you can't find a solution there, proceed to the next step.
Create a Topic
Select the ipop-up category
On the front page, click on the IPOP-UP category.
In ipop-up, select the sub-category.
Creating your topic
To created a topic, click on the New Topic
Check if you are in the good category.
You can then write your message following best practices.